Monday 12 May 2014

Post #07 (11.05.14) >> Dinner @ Zauo Fishing Restaurant

Zauo is a chain restaurant which offers its customers the opportunity to eat what they catch !

This restaurant concept delivers a fresh and enjoyable experience for locals and tourists alike.
It combines two of my loves, food + fishing, if only there were beautiful naked women amongst it all, I would be surely be in Nirvana.

The last time i experienced anything similar to this was back in Vietnam 2011.
A fishing restaurant with huts perched above a dam supposedly full of fish, equipped with bamboo rods and blunt hooks.
This was in a different league.

The restaurant is located in the basement of the Washington Plaza hotel.
In the center of the room are two huge wooden boats, where the tables are.
Around the boats is water, and in the water are live fish ~ !~ ~~ !~ ~~

This is how it works:
Get on the boat & sit at your table >>
Peruse the menu to choose the type of fish you want to target (different fish, different taste, different prices) >>
If you dont want to fish for your food, order from the menu (more expensive prices) >>
If you want to fish, receive fishing rod from waitress >>
Choose whether or not to buy bait (buy bait for sea-bream) >>
Fish ... see them swimming, watch them bite, feel the bite, then strike ! >>
Staff will sing and dance, beat drums, shout and applause in joy as you land the fish onto the boat >>
Pass it onto the Chef & stipulate cooking method i.e sushi, boiled, grilled, tempura, fried or sashimi (each fish can be cooked in 2 different ways) >>
Eat, enjoy & savour  the freshness of the fish and the awesome atmosphere of this restaurant >>
Achieve happy goal !!! >>

To restrict any foul play, there is a big sticker in the middle of the menu that says "NO CATCH & RELEASE PERMITTED".
With all the talented Chefs in the kitchen and their sharp Sashimi knives, you wouldn't want to f*ck around anyways ! *_^

Initially I thought we were going to be denied this dining experience because I forgot to make a reservation and they were busy.
We were told to return an hour and half later.

The bait
The rods, equipped with small sharp suicide hooks (or needles as our waitress called them)

The two wooden boats and sea bream below
ready to go
waiting waiting, patiently waiting

Beer + grilled oysters

Hoping to catch a sea bream for myself rather than order one, I moved to the other side of the restaurant.

Still no luck.


There was also a enclosure with Flounder.
You dont have to catch these, instead just hook them.
Too easy.
Something i did do though, was hook the staff member's hand whilst he was netting my fish lol.

Nigiri sushi
A different kind of salty delicious
Our waitress beating the celebratory drum, unfortunately not for us
suprisingly delicious fried flounder
grilled prawn
Frustrated by not being able to catch a sea bream for myself, i resorted to ordering one.

one half sea bream sashimi
Second half grilled sea bream

Trevor & our cute English speaking waitress whom he wanted to take home
All that + beers, soft drinks and sake for A$35 each. 

Certainly a different experience worth trying.

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